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Frequently Asked Questions and Some Helpful Information about Bernedoodles


Q. What is the average lifespan of a Bernedoodle?

A. The Bernedoodle has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.



Q. How big do they get?

A. The Bernedoodle typically weighs between 60 to 110 pounds, most being in the 70-90 range and typically 22 to 27 inches in height. At 8 weeks Zoe and Lady's puppies weigh between 17-22 lbs.


Q.  Are you going to breed the smaller Bernedoodles?

A. We are going to stay with the standard size because these are our pets and we are not adding any more at this time, but... we do know a fantastic Mini-Bernedoodle breeder.  They raise the puppies in their home and they come from a great bloodline and they have gorgeous puppies. Their website is  



Q. Can I register my Bernedoodle?

A. This is a mixed breed dog and therefore cannot be registered with the AKC, but there are "Designer Dog" registries (like IDCR) if you choose to do that on your own.




Q. How much exercise does a Bernedoodle need?

A. All dogs need to be able to run outside daily. We put in doggy doors and fenced in an acre for our dogs to get plenty of exercise. If you are unable to do this, please make sure and walk your dog at least once a day.



Q. What do I need to have before I bring my puppy home?

A. These are things that I suggest for your new puppy.....



  • Food and water bowls

  • Food 

  • Collar and leash

  • An ID tag with your phone number

  • Large or XL foldable metal crate

  • Dog bed

  • Tearless puppy shampoo and conditioner 

  • Brush/Comb combo

  • Variety of toys (a ball, rope, chew toys and non-rawhide chews)

  • Extra tall walk thru baby gate (I got mine on Amazon for 39.00)




Q. Do you offer any training services and how much does it cost?

A. I start potty training your puppy at 4 weeks by offering a doggy door during the day so they can run outside into a fenced area and go potty. We do this with every litter and right away and each puppy chose to potty outside instead of where they sleep and play. Many people keep puppies inside a home and they learn to potty inside.  We make sure they know to go outside to potty. I make no guarantees on your puppy being potty trained by 8 weeks, when you take them home but I do guarantee that they had a great start here and I do all of this at no extra cost to you.



Q. What kind of food do you feed the puppies?

A. I feed the puppies and their nursing Mommy "Nutro Wholesome Essentials Puppy Food".



Q. How much do your puppies cost?

A. This page explains prices best "Puppy Pricing"


Q. Why does the tri-color and phantom color cost more than the black and white ones?

A. Because it is harder to produce due to recessive pigment genes. Sometimes the brown/red fades as they get older and their black might lighten to grey.  All of these colors make absolutely beautiful adult dogs.



Q. Can I come to visit the puppies after they are born?

A. We do not allow visitors because people unknowingly can bring diseases in on their shoes or hands.  We do however try to send a lot of pictures and videos so that you can see your puppy.


Q. What are their coats like and do they shed?

A. Curly Coat: Similar to the Poodle coat and will not shed. A curly coat is your best bet if you have more severe allergies to dander.


Wavy Coat: Most Bernedoodles have a wavy coat, which gives them the typical ’doodle look. This type of coat is low to non-shedding and great for most people with allergies to dog dander.

Straight Coat: like the Bernese coat – it may have a slight wave to it. This coat will shed but less than a Bernese - very few pups have straight coats.

For the most part, Bernedoodles are allergy-friendly. Most people with allergies to dog dander (i.e., those who experience sneezing, watery eyes) are fine with a Bernedoodle. Every Bernedoodle will have a different coat. The curlier the coat the less it will shed. Most Bernedoodles have a wavy type coat that is low to non-shedding.


I really wish I could describe what my puppies feel like. By 8 weeks, they feel like super soft teddy bears (and kind of look like one too).



*My Soapbox - If you decide to buy from a breeder other than Missouri Bernedoodles, please choose a responsible breeder who does not pen up their dogs in small pens and please be sure they have as many dogs as one person or family can play with and love every day of those dog's lives.  If each person asked the correct questions to each breeder, there would be less cruelty to dogs. If you don't buy puppies from large kennels, then there is no profit in raising puppies in poor conditions and large kennels will go out of business. 


Please ask questions like - 


  • How many female dogs do you have?   

  • How large is the yard that your adult dogs and puppies get to run on?

  • Are the puppies raised in your home?

  • If your adult dogs do not live in your home, is their home heated and air-conditioned?


My answers to the above questions.


  • Any more than 4 total would be more than I would have time to love every day.  We have two Bernese Mountain dogs that we breed and one Standard Poodle.

  • 2 acres

  • Yes, definitely in our home. 

  • Absolutely, it is.  Bernese Mountain dogs require a cool temperature year-round. 


Q. If I get on the reservation list right now, can you guarantee me a tri-color? 

A. No, it is impossible to say how many puppies (without an x-ray, which I will not do), or the color and gender of each litter.  One litter had only one puppy and some have been as many as 11.  One time one of our girls had 11 and my other mama had 6 a few days later with a total of 17 puppies!! Every single person who receives their puppy is over the moon in love and gets the perfect puppy for them.  If you do not completely fall in love with a puppy at 4 weeks when everyone chooses, you are welcome to stay on the reservation list and you will be moved up to the next litter.


Once you are on the reservation list, you will start receiving emails with updates about when the Mammas get bred, dates, etc.  When the puppies are born, we put pictures of the litter on this site and then individual pictures once they are a little older.


If you have any other questions, please email or call me because I am always happy to answer questions.

Paula 660-582-3126





Proverbs 12:10

A righteous man regards the life of his animal...

If you would like to speak to us before placing a deposit you can call or text us at 660-582-3126

Email us at
Subject: Bernedoodles



Paypal charges 3% of total price

so there will be a fee when you use PayPal or credit card service for your payment. Contact me if you would like to pay with a different form of payment. 

Every puppy and adult dog that you see on our website is (or was) ours. We use no pictures of puppies that do not belong to our adult dogs. Every picture that you will find on this site, either I took or someone who purchased our puppy has given me permission to use. 
                  Missouri Bernedoodles and, 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may never be used by any other person or website.
© Copyright 2021 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted.
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